Thanks so much for the great response to this blog!
A special thank you to those who have passed it on to others. We are heading quickly to amazing page visits to this blog! Welcome to folks from all over the country and other countries as well, including Lisbon!!

The "Village", as it was called, is located in the northwest corner of the city of Taunton, Massachusetts U.S.A. It covers about 1 square mile with the center being School Street. A large portion of the Village population was Portuguese when I was growing up.

This blog covers a lot of the history of the Village, much to do with my years as a child there: 1940 through the late 1950's. I do have many wonderful photos and information prior to that that and will share those as well. Always looking for MORE PHOTOS AND MORE STORIES TO TELL.

If you would like to send photos or share a memory of growing up in the Village
e-mail me at
feel free to comment on the posts. Directions are on the right side of the blog posts. Jump in, the water is fine and it is easy!!!

I will be posting photographs but not identifying individuals unless I have permission or they are a matter of public record. It you wish to give me permission, please let me know.

I am looking for any and all photos of the Village...

Please note: the way blogs work is that the latest post is first. It you would like to start from the beginning of the blog, check out the post labels on the right of the blog and go from there. Thanks.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Fuller School treats for the new year.

As we all do, I am sweeping up some odds and ends left over from last year.  These sort of do not fit anywhere, so I am putting them in this post.  They still are fun to see.

First and foremost: we have had a sharing of paintings done by our own Sophia Dupont! 
Thanks to Mary Farrell for this: she has the paintings.  Kathy C. has said that once when she visited Sophia she was painting on glass, too.  Multi-talents, our Miss Dupont!  So I am giving her her own exhibit space right on this international blog, here and now. 
 Perhaps she is smiling her lovely smile as we enjoy this.

Cynthia Mendes has found the Fuller School song lyrics in her treasures:
 looks like they were written by Miss Coleman.

Cynthia does not have the first verse..anyone have it?

Add these precious tidbits to your Fuller School memory trove.
I am hard at work trying to organize notes to the Blog, working with Evernote which is a challenge.
Any suggestions are welcome.  If anyone would like to take a peek I also have an art blog called:


It was because of this blog experience that I was able to get on the bandwagon for the School Street Village blog.  I learned a whole lot that prepared me for this labor of love.

Am always looking for more class photos from Fuller School.
Would be great if we could get as many as possible.  One of these stormy weekends, a good time to take out your old photos!


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